Bca Auctions
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Bca Auctions
Kategoria: Unknown
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- Witryna
- www.bca-europe.com
- Adres
- ul Czluchowska 66, Warszawa Mazowieckie, 01 - 360
0 Opinie klientów
Napisać recenzjęBCA Auctions - The European Story Established for over 60 years, BCA is the market leader in vehicle auctions and remarketing throughout Europe. The leading automotive manufacturers, motor vehicle dealer groups, rental, fleet, leasing and finance companies choose BCA for vehicle remarketing. Each year BCA sells over €4 billion of used vehicles, ranging from young and ex-lease stock to budget and older products including old timers
- Opis
o firmie
BCA Auctions - The European Story Established for over 60 years, BCA is the market leader in vehicle auctions and remarketing throughout Europe. The leading automotive manufacturers, motor vehicle dealer groups, rental, fleet, leasing and finance companies choose BCA for vehicle remarketing. Each year BCA sells over €4 billion of used vehicles, ranging from young and ex-lease stock to budget and older products including old timers
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